so why is website?
this is a site i made to carve out a lil personal corner for myself on the World Wide Web! ive been sharing my art online since i was, like, 12, but social media sucks now (read: im still gonna use it until it dies). but that experience made me want my own lil haven on the web... which is this page!

this is a personal site, so ill prolly put all kinds of stuff on here, but i principally want to make this a place where i can showcase my art :3 (and whatever else i think of) (the list of ideas always seems to grow)

technical deets
i started my website-making journey in 2022, but the version of the site you see right now was started in march 2024. were currently hosted on neocities! i coded most of this site myself with my limited experience (✧( •̀ ω •́ )👍), mainly using MDN web docs and w3schools as reference! and lots of snooping around other people's sites

heres a list of tools that especially helped me make this site!
- handy tool for making gallery webpages before i made my own template! ➜ melons gallery maker
- favicon generator! ➜
image credits
i strive to link back to the creators of the images ive used on this site! if i cant put the link on the image itself then ill put the source in this list :)
- duckduckgo and internet archive buttons ➜ zeusofthecrows @ tumblr
- queer flag buttons ➜ cutewebgraphics @ tumblr
if you know the source of an unsourced image then pls let me know!
- added an RSS feed!
- new year new gallery page!
- overhauled gallery pages since i made my own template for that!
- added new arts to 2024 gallery as well :)
- new site section: downloads! for things ive made!
- added "Latest" section to homepage, with art and blog posts!
- rebuilt site from scratch!!!
- new homepage
- new about pages: about me, the site, my art
- new page with commission info!
- new gallery!
- new blog!
- new sitemap!